Minecraft Forge
Minecraft Forge is a library for Minecraft, which is the main library for most mods. By default, only commands and datapacks can add new features to the game, but with forge comes the ability to modify the game with third-party mods. Forge for minecraft gives mod developers almost limitless possibilities to modify the game, they can add new blocks and mobs, items, dimensions and more.
Forge is able to track problems with mods, if you have removed mods, but on the map remained blocks from the mod, Forge will notice it and replace them with standard game blocks. For many years of development forge has become a kind of programming language for mods, which allows you to install in the game 100-200 mods without problems and conflicts between them.
Specially install forge is not necessary, but if your chosen mod requires it (95% of all mods require minecraft forge), it will be indicated, without this add-on mods simply will not work, the game simply will not be a mod.
How to install/update Minecraft Forge?
- Download and install Java
- In the launcher start and close minecraft of the desired version
- Download the file from the link below
- Run the file (If the file opens as an archive, right-click on it and select “Open with” -> “Java”)
- Click “Ok”
- Done
For 1.21.1